Kamis, 29 November 2012



Arranged By :
Name       : Ismiyati
Number    :
Class        : XII S4


A.         Accusing

q  You are the one to blame
q  It was your fault
q  I think you’re the only person who could have done it
q  It must have bee you who did it
q  It was your own fault
q  It’s no use crying over split milk
q  Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson
q  You should have listened to me
q  I told you
q  I admit I was wrong
q  Ok, I have to admit that
q  I know it’s my fault

q  No at all
q  It was not only my fault
q  Yes, sorry then
q  Sure it did

q  I know

Situation : Andy asks her father in the house signature learned from his father.
Andi      :    Dad, could you sign here ?
Father    :    Oh, Andi, you scored 4 in the english test ? how come ?
Andi      :    I’m sorry, Dad, that’s all I got.
Father    :    Do you understand your mistake ? you should have gotten 8 or 9
Andi      :    I know, I admit I was wrong
Father    :    I tod you not to play online games too much
Student  :    Yes, I promise I won’t disappoint you again
Father    :    Now, study more, good luck then

B.          Regretting

Expressing Regret

q  If I had (hadn’t) ......
q  I would (wouldn’t) have ......
q  I regret doing ......
q  I wish I hadn’t done that
q  Much to my regret I (VI) .....
q  She shows much regrets for (V-ing) .......
q  I regret to say that ........
q  I regret being rude and undersetimating you.
q  I wish I hadn’t mode that mistake
q  If I had studied hard, I wouldn’t have failed on my exam

Situation :
( Dimas cheating next friend when it replicates. Mr.  Wono looks furious finally gave it a zero for the quiz, Dimas directly facing Mr. Wono. )

Dimas         :    Sir, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cheat
Mr. Wono  :    Really ? are you kidding ? I can’t believe that.
Dimas         :    I wish I hadn’t  mode that mistake, sir.
Mr. Wono  :    you have ti tell your parents about this, son.
Dimas         :    Please, sir, I do apologize. I promise I will not cheat anymore.
Mr. Wono  :    Ok, you have to write 100 expressions of regret on your notebook then.
Dimas         :    Ok, sir, right away
Mr. Wono  :    Go on

C.          Promissing
Expressing Promise
q  I promise that I will help you
q  I swear I won’t do it again
q  I promise to call you every weekend
q  I assure you that I will attend your party.
q  Ok, I promise I will come on time
q  Sure, you have my word on that
q  I swear, for you my love
q  It’s a promise
q  Thank you
q  Okay
q  Really ?
q  Okay I’ll wait for you

Situation :
Danang and Putra promised to go to the Mall in front of the house Nina. After half an hour of waiting, finally the Putra  appeared too

Danang      :    Ah, there you are, where have you been
Putra          :    I’m so sorry, I have to finish my poster
Danang      :    Yes, I know that, but you promised to come at two
Putra          :    I do apologize, I promise I’ll be on time next time
Danang      :    Ok, I’ll keep your word
Putra          :    Sure, let’s go to Nina’s hous she’ll be waiting for us
Danang      :    Sure, get on my bike

D.         Agreement and Disagrrement

Expressing Agreement
Expressing Disagreement
q  I agrre
q  I think so
q  I am with you
q  Well, if you say so
q  I agree with you
q  I agree what you said
q  I agree entirely
q  That’s right
q  That’s true
q  Absolutely
q  Definitely
q  I have to say it, but it’s true
q  I have to admit it, but you’re right
q  My feelings exactly
q  No doubt about that !
q  You have a point there
q  I’m with you there
q  I feel the same way
q  Yes, but don’t you think.....?
q  Yes, I see but ....
q  I don’ think so
q  I quite disagree
q  Sorry, I have to say “ No “
q  I definitely disagree
q  Oh, I don’t agree
q  I can’t agree
q  I hate to disagree with you
q  I don’t know about it
q  I wouldn’t say that
q  I don’t know about that
q  I’m not sure about that
q  I woulkdn’t say that
q  You can’t be serious
q  Not really

Situation :
Wisnu, Bagus and Ajeng  are talking about an additional tutor English Club Communities in the area where they live

Wisnu         :    We curently have 35 new members and I think we need more tutors, do you agree, Bagus.
Bagus         :    Yes, I think so to
Ajeng         :    Is that so ? how many new tutors do we need ?
Wisnu         :    I think we need only one, Gus, you can still be one of the tutors, can’t you ?
Bagus         :    Yes, sure we should find the tutor immediately
Wisnu         :    Yes, I am with you. We should start the class next month
Ajeng         :    \But, don’t you think it will be difficult to find a good tutor ?
Bagus         :    I don’t think so, we can use Facebook


SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) RAM jenis ini memiliki kemampuan setingkat di atas EDO-RAM. Slot memori untuk SD RAM adalah 168 pin. Bentuk SD RAM adalah Dual Inline Memory Modul (DIMM). Memiliki kecepatan di atas 100 MHz. Biasanya masih banyak dipakai untuk Komputer Pentium 2 dan Pentium 3 dan Komputer Pentium 4 generasi pertama ada yang masih menggunakan jenis RAM ini

Contoh gambar SDRAM:

Doule Data Rate (DDR) RAM (sering disebut DDR1), dengan data transfer 64 bits, DDR SDRAM menggunakan DIMM 184 pin. DDR SDRAM memberikan transfer rate sebesar : memory bus clock rate x 2 x 64 / 8. Jika frekuensi bus 100 MHz, berarti maksimum kecepatan transfer datanya adalah (100x2x64) /8, yaitu 1600 MB perdetik. Diperuntukan untuk Motherboard Pentium 4 generasi kedua dan selanjutnya.

Contoh gambar RAM DDR1:

DDR 2 RAM, Merupakan kelanjutan dari teknologi DDR SDRAM. Diperkenalkan pertama kali pada kwartal kedua tahun 2003, kemudian pada akhir tahun 2004 DDR2 mulai menggantikan standar DDR1. Tidak seperti DDR SDRAM, DDR2 menggunakan DIMM 240 pin, dan tidak kompatibel dengan DDR SDRAM yang menggunakan 184 pin.

Contoh gambar RAM DDR2:

DDR3 RAM, merupakan pengembangan lanjutan dari DDR2, dimana keuntungan utama dari DDR3 adalah memiliki kemampuan transfer data dua kali lebih cepat dari DDR2. DDR3 mengkonsumsi daya 30% lebih hemat dari DDR2, hanya 1.5 V (DDR2 1.8V, DDR1 2.5 V). Pasokan daya 1.5 V, bekerja dengan baik dengan teknologi 90 nanometer.

Contoh gambar RAM DDR3:

SODIMM itu "Small outline Dual Inline Memory Module" sama saja fungsi dan kinerjanya dengan memori PC biasa, ada DDR1, DDR2 dan DDR3 juga, hanya saja memori jenis ini hanya diperuntukan bagi laptop/notebook. Secara fisik dia lebih kecil dari memori PC biasa.

Contoh gambar SODIMM:

Masalah untuk jenis apa itu tergantung dari dukungan colokan memori di motherboard, karena setiap generasi memori memiliki colokan pin memori yang berbeda (DIMM pin), misalnya memori DDR2 tidak bisa di pasang di mobo DDR3, atau sebaliknya. Kalau performa tentu keluaran generasi terakhir yang lebih baik (DDR3)